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News and updates of the Visa Angels of Cuenca

We have completed our first week in 2019

We have been told by the Ministerio that other than the increase in the CD to $39,400.00 there are no other changes to the visas. We have our fingers crossed because they seem to have a way of shocking at when we least suspect it.

Another change in Ecuador was the increase in gasoline prices, which was quite steep and everyone is adjusting their fees so unfortunately our round trip from Cuenca to Azogues will increase from $35.00 round trip to $40.00 round trip. This is unavoidable so please understand. This increase will go into effect 14 January 2019.

We have already received a new visa this week and have been working on some of the remaining visas we hope to get issued in the near future that were started in November and December 2018.

On a side note, the exam for Naturalization has totally changed and once your application packet has been accepted they email you the study materials. If is not as easy as the old exam so it will require lots of studying and memorizing of about 26 pages of information. Good Luck to those considering this major move.

Joann Mansfield