I do apologize for not updating
We are happy to have our Website but we find we need someone full time to keep it updated so we will be looking for that person in the New Year.
Speaking of New Year it is right around the corner and there will probably be some small changes if the Minister of Labor increases the minimum monthly wages for Ecuadorians. If that happens pricing with the Government will change. Everything is “pegged” to that number. We will let you know once we get the official change if there is one. It does not come out until pretty much 31 December so keep watching I promise I will put the changes in Government fees here immediately.
Ecuador is unique so it could affect those who have applied in 2019 but get their visas issued in 2020, there is no sure way to know but in the past “grandfathering” has not been a practice in Ecuador.
There is a “rumor” about adding a dependent to the old style 9 series visas, it seems even though that visa was an indefinite visa and did not require a person to spend 2 years on a temporary visa, we are being told that is no longer an option. We are researching to see what options might exist. We cannot get a clear answer if it is not allowed or if the dependent must apply for the temporary visa. We will keep you updated on this as well.
We have reduced our number of Visa Angels by one so it is busier for all of us and of course there is still no news about the Ministerio moving back to Cuenca from Azogues so we are spending much more time out there. Many times we are being required to return to Azogues an extra visit for “no apparent” reason. We still do not have the ability to obtain visa appointments to apply, however we are now back to making an appointment to apply for the Cedula so it is crazy going from day to day incurring constant “little changes”.
We at Visa Angels Ecuador want to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday Season and we look forward to meeting all our clients who have been emailing and will be arriving in the month of January and to hearing from new clients considering their move to Ecuador.
Feliz Navidad and Feliz Ano Nuevo