Very Important information for those looking to apply for a Residential Visa
Hello everyone. It has come to our attention that "supposed reputable" people are giving very bad advise regarding applying for visas and for the current status of people stuck here during the Pandemic.
For anyone seeking advise be sure to ask when was the last time you submitted a visa application and was it approved.? For about 2 years, the minimum monthly amount of income required to apply for a visa is $400.00 per month. This is based on 1 times the average income for Ecuadorians as established yearly by the Ecuadorian government. It can change yearly and is in effect each Jan 1 for the following calendar year. .Additional dependents are $100.00 additional income per dependent. It used to be $800.00 per month so for those of you giving advise to new people here asking for the current requirements; sadly you are 2 years out of date. This caused someone extreme stress because they were advised they did not get enough income to apply for that retire visa. Also this same person was advised that they were illegal and must leave the country immediately when the state of Emergency ended.
NO one here is illegal during this Pandemic if you could not leave due to the emergency. If the State of Emergency ends on 14 August, you can leave or if you plan to stay you will have 30 days to correct your overstayed situation by applying for a 90 day visa extension or leaving Ecuador. At this point it is unclear if Presidente will extend the state of Emergency and if he does this guideline will continue unless he makes other points.
The office of Minister of the Interior at the Cuenca airport is not allowed to issue any 90 day visa extensions nor can you pay any fines for overstaying in the past during the process of applying for a permanent visa. We are working with officials at the Cuenca airport and also daily with the Ministerio in Azogues. Please know if you have overstayed your visa during this Pandemic and intend to leave during this State of Emergency you will not have to pay the $788.00 fine. If you have any questions please contact us and we will be happy to help you..