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News and updates of the Visa Angels of Cuenca

Some bad news and then some good news

So Presidente Moreno has extended the State of Emergency for another 30 days. According to the law, he cannot have it last longer than 90 days so that should be the end. Unless, of course things get worse and they write a new law or something. Everyone thinks this will end in 30 days so we shall see. For those of you still here and looking for that 90 day tourist extension you will still have to wait until the State of Emergency is lifted.

Now, for the good news, if you enter Ecuador with a negative Covid test withing 10 days of arriving in Ecuador you will not be required to quarantine. This is great news as many people are looking to visit for a short time before they make the decision to move here. The doors are open so come and visit….

Joann Mansfield