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News and updates of the Visa Angels of Cuenca

Extremely important changes to the Visa Programs

Recent updates to Visa Requirements for first time visa applicants or for those changing visa types

In February 2021 The government of Ecuador issued changes to the requirements to obtain visas but did not include the rules or regulations to enforce them.  Last week those were announced, however they are not posted in the actual Registry of Regulations which can happen at any time.

Most significant change is the minimum monthly income for a retiree visa is $1275.00 and for each additional dependent the additional required income is $250.00 per month.  This income requirement is also the same for the Rentista visa.  Included in this type of visa is now the new Digital Nomad visa.  This is a major change.

The temporary visa does allow for time out of Ecuador but during the entirety of the Temporary Visa you can only leave Ecuador for a maximum of 90 days.  Not 90 days each year but during the 2 year temporary visa.

The CD investor visa and the Professional visas at this moment do not indicate any minimum income. 

As more information is filed in the Regulations we will pass it along.

Joann Mansfield