A sad note for us but we hope it will turn out ok.
For the past 2 years off and on Gringo Post has stopped our comments to people who are inquiring for answers to important questions. I respond right away with our contact information and I get a notice “wait this is being reviewed by Gringo Post”. 95% percent of the time my response is not published and never shows up in the question and answer section. I have asked numerous times why this happens and I am told that is how they do this. Then maybe a week or two my comments are allowed but yesterday I inquired and was told since I do not like the way they do things they will take my offer to leave Gringo Post. This saddens me so much because it was always the go to place. I have found awesome offers, services and was able to post important information for Visa Angel clients. I hope in the future Gringo Post will treat all its subscribers and contributors the same but for now it is goodbye to Gringo Post.
Going forward please reach out to us please use our website www.visaangelsecuador.com or email us at visaangels@gmail.com